Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ebenezer Scrooge, a misunderstood Republican

    Ebenezer Scrooge, a misunderstood Republican            I was watching the Dickens classic , A Christmas Carol, on TV last night and it got me to thinking. Here was a good conservative Republican that got a bad rapt by the liberal Democratic bias media . Think about it, Ebenezer Scrooge was a respected businessman and a pillar of his community. He may have not been the most well liked guy, but he helped the English economy to thrive.      Along with his now deceased partner, Jacob Morley, of oh these seven years, they had built up a lucrative Counting House (money lenders) in London. It was a prosperous company, and he was a stalwart leader of the business community. This fact alone made him a target for the bleeding heart liberals who wanted a piece of the action. Rich banker, lucrative business, you do the arithmetic. To them it sounded like just another greedy republican tycoon living of the backs of the oppressed working class’s.            In this film we find Ebb hard at work at his desk when a contingency from the local S.T.W.D. (Share The Wealth Democrats ) arrives at his office looking for a hand out. But Ebb is ready for their liberal isms, and says, “aren’t the poorhouses still open, aren’t the workhouse’s still in operation”?     All of which are good solid institutions of their day. Programs design by a Republican Department of Labor to aid the poor and less fortunate. (who says Republicans don’t have a heart.)        When they inform him that, yes indeed, the poorhouses and workhouse’s are still in operation, they then whine, the poor people don’t have enough to eat and surely might indeed die from starvation. Ebb looks them straight in the eyes and exclaims, “good, then let them die and decrease the worlds surface population”. Ebenezer wasn’t being mean, he was  looking at it from a socialistic point of view, birth control and zero population growth, both of which, by-the-way are good republican ideas.        But ole Ebb’s troubles have only just beginning. It seems that the S.T.W.D. has spiked his drink. At his meager evening meal, remember, Scrooge was a conservative and not apt to be flamboyant in his dinning habits. Eating at MacHenry the VIII was good enough for him. He bites into a MacHenry Burger and starts to hallucinate. Ebb blames it on “ a bit of un-digested potato, or a piece of  mystery meat that’s in the burger”.  He insists that Morley doesn’t exist. But Jacob convinces him that indeed he does exist and informs him that he will be visited by three ghosts.      The first ghost “The Ghost of Christmas Past, will point out to him all the things the Republicans have done wrong to the country, and why it’s all his fault.       The second ghost, The Ghost of Christmas Present,  will allude to “The Present”, as not  meaning right now but, “The Presents” that certain politicians will KICK BACK this year, WINK, WINK, NUGE, NUGE. If you know what I mean?        And finally, while Ebb is still in his drug induced state, Morley tells him of a third spirit to visit him.” The Ghost of Christmas Future”.  Here is were I think they slip him some Sodium Pentothal or Ecstasy or something like that, because after the visit of “The Ghost of the Future” Ebb flips out and starts spending money like a New Deal Democrat running for office, a chicken in every pot and a new car in every garage etc. Sublimely I thought I heard F.D.R. singing “Good Times are Here Again” in the background.         In the beginning of this movie it is suggested that Ebenezer is a cold hearted Republican because he had admonishes his clerk, Bob Cratchet for using to much fuel.  The decadent Mr. Cratchet wants to deplete the nations fuel supply, by putting another lump of coal on the fire  because he’s too cold. Whereas Mr. Scrooge would have turned down the thermostat and put on a sweater. All the signs of a good conservative republican, not a man that’s out to rape and pillage the nations natural resources.        Through-out the rest of the show we are bombarded with the right-wing spin that the “Sob-Sisters of Hollywood” always put in these kind of  films. We are asked to ballyhoo the plight of Tiny Tim and to savage the Capitalistic Industrialist who are trying to scuttle HMO’s and Medicare programs that are advantageous to the average workingman. If Tiny Tim is to have an operation on his leg, he is going to need these programs.     He looked OK to me, he’s even out throwing snowballs with his hoodlum friends. He even knots the felt hat off of “ole” Ebenezer with a snowball when he is walking home from work. Where is the parenting here I ask you? It’s just more Democratic “feel-good” pampering if you ask me.        The movie ends with a brainwashed Ebb, the liberals had gotten to him. He squanders all his money by buying a Christmas Goose for everybody and gives Bob Cratchet a generous pay raise. What they don’t tell you is that after the New Years Eve celebration, he is now bankrupt and has to go into foreclosure. And without the money lending industry, the English economy tanks and the whole country goes into a recession. They, the movie industry, have conveniently left that part out. So much for a Merry Christmas.          So the next time you watch this Dickens Christmas Classic, just keep an open mind and don’t succumb to the democratic liberal manifesto that says its all the republicans fault.   Merry Christmas from Butch “I’m not the Grinch” Carr

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