I live at an Assisted Living Home for Veterans’ just west of Buffalo Wyoming. At present I’m confined to a wheelchair, but this didn’t stop me from being an avid fisherman.
One particular morning I was headed for our fishing pond just south of Clear Creek, a creek that runs adjacent to our property. To reach this pond you have to descend a somewhat steep hill and cross a small bridge at the bottom of this hill.
On coming down this hill I lost control of my wheelchair and almost crashed into the bridge. The only thing stopping me from going over the side was a large rock that spun me around. This action causing my fishing pole to come lose from it’s mooring and dropped onto the ground, causing the hook to come lose and plop into the water.
And wouldn’t you know it, a fish hit the hook just like that. “Bam” it took off down the creek with the hook in its mouth. Quickly gathering my wits about me, I grab the pole and began to reel him in. I fought with this monster for what seemed like hours before bring him ashore along the creek.
There I was, looking at the biggest fish I had ever laid eyes on, a true whooper. I knew instinctively this was the biggest Trout in Wyoming….. well hell, for the whole country for all I know. A true record sitting fish if I had ever seen one.
But me being a true Sportsmen, I set him free to swim on for another day. I just couldn’t kill a majestic animal like this one. The Granddaddy of all Trout.
But then to my chagrin, I realized I had no way of proving my story to my fellow Veterans’ at the Home. I had no eyewitness’s, no one to verify my tale that I had just caught the biggest Trout in all of Wyoming. Looking around I quickly picked up the only thing that can prove my story to be true. I went back to my room and got a camera and took a picture of the very rock I hit on that bridge that cause this unseeingly amazing chain of events thus proving once and for all that Fishermen and Golfers don’t lie.
The very rock I hit
Yours truly” Butch the Gospel Truth” Carr
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